Monday, November 25, 2019

Blog 11: EOTO

This past week in class 4 groups of students presented on certain types of false information which can be categorized into disinformation meant to deceive or misinformation caused by an honest mistake. One of the concepts that really stuck out to me was the echo chamber.
From what I heard during the presentation, an echo chamber is an effect in which media surrounds its user with similar beliefs. This is a lot more common than one might expect as social media such as Instagram and Facebook allow us to pick and choose what we see. We can follow the accounts and hashtags we like or agree with and we can also unfollow or block the ones we dislike or disagree with. When we narrow our feed down to just our own interests, we accidentally create an echo chamber.
Another thing I learned about echo chambers is that they amplify the user's thoughts, beliefs, and opinions by repeating so much of the information that he or she agrees with. These typically lack any sort of counterpoints.
What I have learned from this is that while it is perfectly fine to follow whatever interests us on social media, we shouldn't only follow the things we agree with. We need to be aware of what is happening in the real world and although we should absolutely have our own opinions on events, people, etc. we should not become so absorbed in ourselves that it clogs our feed with the same opinions.