Monday, September 30, 2019

Blog 5: Mad World

This video is a re-edit of the music video titled "Are You Lost In The World Like Me" with the song "Mad World" by Michael Andrews and Gary Jules. While the original felt like a mix between an old-fashioned black-and-white cartoon mixed with an energetic anime-esque theme song featuring caricatures of today's cell phone users, the remix casts a far more depressing tone over the video. The video revolves around a child who is surrounded by several different crowds of people in different environments such as subway trains and a city. These people are staring at their cell phones with wide eyes every second that they are on screen. Several instances of cell phone use are showed, such as people staring at them in a restaurant while several animals are about to be slaughtered, presumably the same child's parents allowing him to wander off because they were checking their phones right after his birth, as well as several people recording a girl committing suicide while the child watches in terror. Lastly, the video shows everyone staring at their phones while slowly walking off to their deaths.
While this video is clearly an exaggeration of the real world today, there is some cold truth in it. Everyone is spending too much time on their cell phones while they should be focusing on the real world. There are several times in the video where the child tries to get the people's attention yet he simply cannot because they are so immersed in their cell phones. And there are certain situations in which people really do not need to be on their cell phones as well as situations in which it is absolutely unacceptable to pull out a cell phone. With the popularity of social media and the constant obsession over new content, this animation really shows how social media is harming our ability to interact with others and ultimately, our lives.